Schedule a message to be sent multiple times

This topic relates to Whispir’s ‘classic’ messaging features (not to the Rich Message Studio).

You can schedule a message to be sent multiple times (up to 99 times) over a specified period.


  1. Create your new message. See Create a new ‘classic’ message.
  2. Click Send Later at the bottom of the New Message page.
    The Schedule Message page opens.
  3. Select the Repeat option.
  4. In the Start on fields enter the date and time the message is to be sent for the first time.
  5. Use the days, hours and minutes fields (as required) to nominate the resend frequency.
  6. In the End after message is sent field nominate the number of times the message is to be sent.
  7. Click Send.

Each instance of the scheduled message is listed separately on the Scheduled Items page. The value in the Schedule # column is identical for all scheduled occurrences of the message.

Note: The Scheduled Items page only shows your scheduled messages. Any messages scheduled by other users are not shown.

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